The Official Magazine of The Memorial Tournament Dublin, Ohio & Wellington, Florida

University of Cincinnati Alumni Magazine Cincinnati, Ohio

The 44th Walker Cup Match National Golf Links of America Southampton, New York

University of Tennessee Alumni Magazine Knoxville, Tennessee

Catholic Life Insurance Magazine San Antonio, Texas

The Circle of Zeta Psi Pearl River, New York

Purdue University Alumni Magazine West Lafayette, Indiana

The Purple and Gold The Chi Psi Educational Trust Nashville, Tennessee

SUBSTREAM Magazine Delaware, Ohio

The Flame Magazine Alpha Lambda Delta Macon, Georgia
Accommodate a variety of circulations and provide exceptional service
We offer a fully digital prepress department with Delano soft proofing/web approval available, Sublima's advanced screening technology, AGFA Apogee Prepress Workflow and computer-to-plate technology.
Web Presses
Hantscho Mark VI 23-9/16" x 38" Heatset Web Offset with MicroColor Digital Ink and Registration Control System
6 Perfecting Printing Units and folding delivery and sheeter delivery
Sheetfed Press
6-Color Roland 634
(28" X 40")
Perfect Binding
The Watkins Printing Company's main area of expertise is magazine printing. We can accommodate a variety of circulations and provide exceptional customer service not necessarily found with our larger competitors.
Communication directly with The Watkins Printing Company ownership and key departmental staff is customary in our organization. We make ourselves available in any capacity needed, often traveling cross-country to address your particular needs. The expertise and experience of our prepress, pressroom and mailing departments provide our customers with a magazine printing home they can feel comfortable and confident in.
Union Bug Required Projects – Political Printing
The Watkins Printing Company plant employees are members of the Graphics Communications Conference/International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Watkins’ branch is GCC/IBT District 3, Local 508-M. During election cycles we revamp our plant workflow and workforce to accommodate a variety of direct mail campaigns. Columbus, Ohio is a centrally located mail drop in the United States which makes Watkins’ an excellent strategic partner for a variety of political mailers. With unquestioned flexibility and ability to meet tight deadlines, we are experts at meeting the unique needs of campaigns and political organizations.

Colleges & Universities
Some of our most loyal and dedicated customers come from university and college communities. We allow editors and designers to have full access to our facility, which makes clients feel as if Watkins is an extension of their own offices. See some of our sample College and University magazines below.
Communication directly with The Watkins Printing Company ownership and key departmental staff is customary in our organization. We make ourselves available in any capacity needed, often traveling cross-country to address your particular needs.
The expertise and experience of our prepress, pressroom and mailing departments provide our customers with a college magazine printing home they can feel comfortable and confident in.
Greek (Fraternities and Sororities)
The Watkins Printing Company is proud to be a longtime member of the Fraternity Communications Association (FCA). We are also a regular participant in the Fraternity Executives Association (FEA) and the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). We value our Greek affiliations and enjoy participating in these organizations’ annual meetings. We currently print ten fraternity and sorority magazines.
Communication directly with The Watkins Printing Company ownership and key departmental staff is customary in our organization. We make ourselves available in any capacity needed, often traveling cross-country to address your particular needs.
The expertise and experience of our prepress, pressroom and mailing departments provide our customers with a Fraternity Magazine printing home they can feel comfortable and confident in.

Digital Magazines
The Watkins Printing Company has the technical solution to assist you in your digital advantage!
It makes sense for us to create a digital magazine to complement the printed version we are stitching and mailing. Working together, your print and digital magazine will reach a larger audience and give readers multiple options to absorb and forward your content. This digital content will be delivered to the device of their choice using HTML 5 and Native App technologies.